kidney tonic
Gentlemans Overindulgence Tea from Medicinal Botanix
The Gentleman’s Overindulgence Tea is formulated as a kidney tonic, to help reduce symptoms of excess uric acid (such as gout) and restore the acid/alkaline balance.
Taraxacum officinale leaf/flower (Australia Cert Organic)
Dandelion leaf
Dandelion leaf is a powerful diuretic containing high amounts of potassium. The exact mode of action is not yet understood, however, the cleansing effects and as a restorative to kidney function, make this a very valuable herb.
Dandelion leaf and root are considered to have similar actions; bitter tonic, increasing the amount of bile released from the liver, as well as the amount of solids excreted, diuretic (especially the leaf), mild laxative, and anti-rheumatic.
Medicago sativa leaf (Australia Cert Organic)
Alfalfa is grown as a fodder crop in temperate climates. Alfalfa has been eaten for thousands of years, usually given to convalescences for easy assimilation of nutrients. It is one of the most highly alkaline plants and restores the acid/alkaline balance. Alfalfa is a high source of vitamins A, C, E, and K4 and minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron.
Apium graveloens seed (Egypt Cert Organic)
Celery seed
Celery seeds are native to Europe and have been used for treating gout and rheumatic conditions by helping the kidneys to dispose of urates (uric acid), and clear the acidity in the body.
Ayurvedic medicine has been using celery seeds for thousands of years, as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and cold remedy.
I suffer bouts of gout. I can’t walk or move around when it goes to my big toe. The medication doesn’t always seem to work and its really painful. I have been trying to watch my diet, however, after a hard day’s work as a panel beater, I love to come home and relax with a few beers. My girlfriend got me some Gentleman’s Overindulgence Tea, as she worked with a Naturopath who makes it. Anyway, I’m not into the hassle of making herbal teas, so my girlfriend made up a pot, and put it into my drink bottle the next day. I tell you what, it worked really well, the gout started to ease, so I did it again for the next couple days and it really worked. I try to have a cup every day, however drink about 3 if I feel it coming on. It has a really nice cleansing taste too.
Joe Wysoczanski
I am an elderly man and a keen furniture restorer hobbyist and recently I started getting immobilising pain in my neck that resembled an intense cramp that completely stopped me from working until a good friend suggested that I try this particular tea, and to my surprise, the next day the pain that I thought was a mechanical problem, disappeared and hasn’t returned!!!!That was two weeks ago and the discomfort hasn’t returned. Interestingly, I took no other medicine or supplement. I take it daily now as a preventative maintenance. No artificial painkillers for Me Thank You!!
Mark Davies
Price: $18 plus Postage
A Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs: Herbal Formulations for the Individual Patient” 2003 Kerry Bone Elservier Science (USA)
A Modern Herbal; 1994 Mrs M. Grieve F.R.H.S. First published in 1931 by Johnathan Cape Ltd. Great Britain. A Cresset Press Book
The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, 2001 Andrew Chevallier, Dorling Kindersley Pty Ltd
E/S/C/O/P Monographs Second Edition supplement 2009