Let the Leaves of the Trees Heal the Nation

Break a Leg Balm

Break a Leg Balm

Break a Leg Balm – Mother Nature has Your Back

Break a Leg Balm

Break a Leg Balm is formulated by a qualified, experienced Herbalist, harnessing all the powers of Mother Nature, employing empirical and scientific research with specific herbs, homoeopathics, wildcrafted waxes, infused and essential organic oils. Formulated to reduce acute pain and inflammation associated with bruising, sprains, strains, pulled muscles, ligament damage, osteoarthritis and fractures. This balm will also help to stimulate new skin and strengthen bone growth, and is also ideal for scar tissue, however, is not to be used on open wounds.



Infused Comfrey oil

Symphytum officinale ariel parts, leaves



Comfrey also called knitbone, is extremely high in ‘allantoin’. This compound is well researched as a cell proliferant, that helps repair damaged tissue and has been found to reduce inflammation from sprains, pulled muscles and ligaments, fractures and osteoarthritis. Thousands of years of empirical knowledge has proven, ‘allantoin’ encourages ligaments and bones to knit together firmly, to strengthen bone growth and also helps to grow new skin cells quickly. So effective, it is advised not to use it with bandages, as the skin will regrow over the dressing.

Comfrey has been scheduled for internal use due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids found in the root, which may possibly cause liver damage. The arial parts are considered safe and these alkaloids are virtually absent in these parts of the plant.

Actions: Heals bones and wounds, Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent, Astringent.


Organic Beeswax (Australia)

Organic Beeswax

Beeswax is a naturally occurring wax produced by female worker bees. Eight glands in the abdominal segment secrete this wax to build the honeycomb.

Beeswax is exceptional as it forms an antibacterial barrier, keeping the moisture in the skin, whilst also allowing the skin to breath. Beeswax is extremely high in Vitamin A, enhancing skin elasticity and stimulating cell rejuvenation.

Organic Beeswax means the bees are not exposed to flowers that have been sprayed with agricultural chemicals, the hives are chemical free and the pests that affect the bees are treated naturally.

Production of Beeswax:




Lanolin is secreted by the sheep’s sebaceous glands. This wool wax helps prevent evaporation of water from the skin.  It also has antibacterial qualities which help to protect the sheep from fungal/bacterial infections. Lanolin is a similar chemical composition to our skin; it forms an emulsion with water that’s easily absorbed by the skin and this stops the dehydration of the skin. So safe, it’s been used as a nipple cream whilst breastfeeding new born babies.



Kunzea essential oil

Kunzea ambigua


Kunzea is part of the myrtle family and is native mainly in North East Tasmania. Exciting research is being conducted recently with excellent results showing kunzea oil is especially effective in reducing inflammation associated with joint pain and arthritis. Kunzea may promote the rapid repair of soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains.

Kunzea is also being cited, by Robbi Zech N.D.’ to diffuse deep emotional pain that has grown solid as a result of suppression, creating internal blocks in the body’s meridian system’.

Many Australian indigenous animals nest under the Kunzea bush and it has been found effective as an insect/tick repellent as well as reducing the inflammation associated with insect bites.

Kunzea oil has been used to heal ‘Greasy Heel’ in horses. This is a condition that starts out as a bacterial infection and progresses to a fungal condition. Also effective against Staphylococcus aureus, including multiple antibiotic resistant MRSA. Researched by University of Tasmania.



A blend of homeopathic remedies traditionally used for muscle and joint sprains and strains such as: bruising, twinging, aching, sore or shooting pain – especially on movement or with prolonged rest, and swelling, heat and inflammation. The blend includes: Arnica montana, Bellis perennis, Calcerea carbonica, Hypericum perforatum, Rhus Toxicodendron, Ruta graveolens (30C potencies) for acute pain.

Store: Below 40C away from sunlight, digital and electrical appliances.


Apply topically to affected areas as needed. May be used acutely and for chronic use. May be used in conjunction with massage. Do not use on open wounds.

Cost: $25 plus $10 postage.  

Includes $10 Postage

Warning; These herbal infusions are a skinfood in the rawest form. They are not to replace prescription medication from a medical professional. Please seek medical advice for any ongoing health conditions. If allergies occur, discontinue use.



A Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs: Herbal Formulations for the Individual Patient” 2003 Kerry Bone Elservier Science (USA)

A Modern Herbal; 1994 Mrs M. Grieve F.R.H.S. First published in 1931 by Johnathan Cape Ltd. Great Britain. A Cresset Press Book

E/S/C/O/P Monographs Second Edition supplement 2009

The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, 2001 Andrew Chevallier, Dorling Kindersley Pty Ltd

https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/comfreyhttps://www.zea.com.au/blogs/news/benefits-of-kunzea#:~:text=Nervous%20Tension%2C%20Stress%20%26%20Mild%20Anxiety,reducing%20stress%20and%20aiding%20depression.Kunzea oil | Essentially Australia